banana bread

I have a lot of frozen bananas and want to make banana bread and plan on doubling the recipe. I was wondering if I could freeze half of the batter to bake on another occasion as I am a very infrequent baker and it would be nice to have something on hand to just pop into the oven later, or if this will be a disaster? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • Posted by: Michele
  • October 8, 2016


BerryBaby October 16, 2016
I wrap mine first with plastic wrap, then foil. Sometimes I will then place them in a ziplock bag if I'm not going to use them right away. That my be over doing it, but that's just me.
Amy October 14, 2016
I agree with Trena...but double wrap each loaf. Will help to keep the frost off of the product. They can literally be kept for weeks, and sometimes months, this way. Keep them in the wrap when thawing. Just pull them and thaw on the countertop for a few hours. Good to go!
Michele October 14, 2016
Thank you for the additional information - what is the best way to wrap them? I generally use freezer paper and foil - would that be the best?
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