What to do with apple mush from making cider??

I just made apple cider in my slow cooker and after straining out the liquid I have this apple mush that I think could be used for something...ideas?

  • Posted by: Natalie
  • October 31, 2016


ariel A. November 4, 2016
I haven't attempted this myself before, but I imagine that you would be able to use it like you would apple sauce in any baking recipe like this one: https://food52.com/recipes/8646-applesauce-cake-with-caramel-glaze
mainecook61 November 1, 2016
That apple pomace really fires up the compost heap.
Annie October 31, 2016
I have an old hand cranked apple press and I usually feed the mush to my cows and horses, but most people don't have those. :-)

If it's actually apple pulp you might be able to push it through a sieve and then cook it down into apple butter. Peels and cores could be cooked with more liquid to make an apple juice for jelly and if there's not enough apple flavor you could add cranberries or elderberries for more flavor. If you put it through a sieve the resulting mush will be applesauce, which can be used in the traditional manner.
Nancy October 31, 2016
some baking recipes allow you to use applesauce instead of the oil or fat.
aargersi October 31, 2016
Bake it into muffins or quick bread? Or good ole' compost :-)
HalfPint October 31, 2016
Make applesauce or pectin, http://www.instructables.com/id/Using-Apple-Leftovers-from-Juicing-Pectin-Appl/
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