Mosser Glass cake stand - dome/lid?

I am in love with the Chelsea Blue Mosser Glass cake stand and want to order it next time I am in the US. (Sidenote: when are you getting European shipping?) I would love it, though, to have a suitable cover for the cake stand so that I can leave the cake on it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Posted by: Meghan
  • November 14, 2016


Meghan November 16, 2016
Thanks! Somehow I missed the cake dome on this website when I was searching! Though I admit you're probably right about sourcing one here instead, so the glass cheese bell could work well. Thanks!
SMSF November 15, 2016
There is a glass cake stand dome available on this site. But it might be easier to just get one while you're in Europe and not have to deal with shipping or carrying a glass dome!
Thomas C. November 14, 2016
How about a glass cheese bell?
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