Blender Sweet Potato Pie
Trying to make "Blender Sweet Potato Pie". The recipe does not state the measurement or weight of sweet potatoes or puree to use.
Help please!
surmisezNovember 24, 2016
This recipe is my new favorite Sweet Potato Pie! I tasted the sweet potato filling and it is phenomenal!
I've got the pie in the oven now and it's going to be very difficult to not try a piece tonight.
I've got the pie in the oven now and it's going to be very difficult to not try a piece tonight.
Kristen M.November 23, 2016
Bummer -- it looks like a critical ingredient fell off! I found a recipe on Minimalist Baker's site with very similar ratios that specifies 2 3/4 cups puree (so, eyeball however many potatoes it would take to make that, if you're starting from scratch).
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