Must eat in Toronto?

Looking for any and all recommendations - markets, bakeries, bagels, delis, high end, low end, everything in between!

Lauren Ruben


Nancy February 5, 2017
If you want wider or more up-to-date information, look at articles, listings and reviews at:
CanadaDan February 1, 2017
bagels in toronto? gross.
nicoleburley January 31, 2017
If you've got a way to get around - two great wine regions with fantastic food are Prince Edward County and Niagara-on-the-Lake
Nancy January 30, 2017
Yes to what's been recommended, and a few more.
Fat Pasha (middle eastern food by Anthony Rose, chef-proprietor of a handful of revitalized restaurants in the past few years, including the already mentioned Schmaltz Appetizing).
Scaramouche: great food, white tablecloth dining (in spirit even if no tablecloths that night) and a georgeous view, best at nighttime, from an escarpement down into the lighted city.
If we're adding shops, like *yes) Cheese Boutique, go to Dufflet's (more than one) for cakes & pastries, Kristapson's for great cold-smoked fish, including salmon, Ararat for middle eastern foods.
Gastropubs: Queen & Beaver; Beerbistro.
Top chef cooking out of town, Michael Statlander at Eigensenn Farm, amazing French food in a BYOB farmhouse (2 hours and, as with Michelin, worth the detour and overnight stay in the area).
Lauren R. February 1, 2017
Wow, the farm sounds fantastic. Thank you Nancy!
laurenlocally January 30, 2017
The Cheese Boutique is pretty amazing if you are into cheese: If you go, get some Oka, my favorite CDN cheese.
Lauren R. February 1, 2017
I LOVE cheese, thank you lauren!!
nicoleburley January 30, 2017
St. Lawrence Market, Kensington Market, Pusateri's at Sak's Fifth Avenue at The Bay Queen and Yonge, Lee, Schmaltz Appetizing (bagels), Porchetta & Co, Yueh Tung (chilli chicken), Mildred's Temple Kitchen (Brunch), Frank at the AGO, Winterlicious is on January 27 to February 9
Lauren R. February 1, 2017
Thanks Nicole!
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