Face it, these are cupcakes, not muffins. That being said, I would like to make this as a layer cake. Any changes suggested? What do you think wou...

...ld be a nice filling/frosting

  • Posted by: Angela
  • February 11, 2017


Donna February 11, 2017
Angela, I did exactly what you are proposing, with minimal changes. It worked out great and I topped it with a lemony cream cheese frosting. Here it is: http://aredbinder.com/2017/02/fresh-ginger-and-lemon-cake.html
mainesoul February 11, 2017
I am curious to know what makes these cupcakes and not muffins.
Angela February 11, 2017
My main differentiation is by the method of mixing. Muffins are quick breads, which means they should not require creaming. They can do this because they use liquid fat, such as oil or melted butter. This method makes for a coarser crumb in a muffin. I also think of muffins as being less sweet, and this recipe uses quite a lot of sugar. This site has a good outline of the other differences, like flour:sugar:egg ratios https://backdirndl4you.wordpress.com/2015/01/19/muffin-vs-cupcake/

I really like these, but I feel a little bad eating them for breakfast.
PhillipBrandon February 11, 2017
I had a similar question here:

The amount of sugar, creamed, as well as a full two eggs for a very rich batter are all clues that it might be more cake-y than muffin-y.
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