Frozen berries for Eton Mess?
I'm cooking for dinner-theatre, three week season with 130 covers per night. I have my heart set on Eton Mess for dessert (it's appropriate for the show, easy to prep and a great crowd-pleaser!). BUT the season is in July which is mid-winter here in NZ so I have to rely on frozen berries. Most will be mushed up but I want some decent chunks of fruit in the main body of the dessert, as well as some whole or halved berries to decorate. I've only ever used frozen berries for coulis-type beasts. How well will they hold up for decoration??
For the garnish they are really too soft so I suggest either seeing if you can find some fresh berries, toasted almond slivers finely sliced, pomegranate seeds or a scattering of crunchy caramel topping. Yes, it isn't exactly Eton Mess by the book but it will be delicious anyway!
Might be ok (but messy) for the body of the Eton Mess but terrible as garnish.
I have recently eaten dried sliced strawberries that were good. Maybe you can find some of those.
Or pick a more seasonal dessert.
Good luck and please tell us what you choose.