I am making multiple 4" cheesecakes for valentines day--I need a way to bake them so that I can remove and reuse the spring forms once they're set up--for example, I was thinking of inserting a cake round the same size as the pan ....but was told that the butter in the crust would soak through and be a mess... I've lost the bottoms of my pans--people accidentally throw them away, don't send them back, etc so I'm looking for ideas....
You don't need bottoms, just use one hand to press the crust into the ring while you use the other hand to keep it steady on the baking sheet. (Most people use parchment lined sheets, I don't. It adds up to more scrubbing at the sink but I'd rather do that and save the money and paper...but depending on your recipe, you may prefer to use it).
When finished, you can run a small spatula or knife around each cheesecake and slide the ring right off. You may have to rinse the rings between batches, but believe me, it is much less hassle than dealing with little strips of paper sticking everywhere. Also, before I figured out that I didn't need the paper, I had to butter the rings to get the paper to stick, and then butter the paper.
If the crust has enough fat in it (and most recipes do), this is not necessary.
I've not done this for cheesecakes larger than 3" but it's worked for me when I've had to mass-produce shamrocks (key lime cheesecake) and cheesecake petits fours for Mother's Day with cookie and canape cutters: Bake the cheesecake in a rimmed cookie sheet, chill it, and use metal cookie cutters to cut the sheet into the desired shapes. Depending on the shape you want, there will be a little or a lot of waste, which you can use to make parfaits. Be sure to dip the cutters into hot water and blot on a towel before making each cut, and to cut the shapes before adding a topping.
I've used jumbo cupcake liners--the ones for big giant muffin pans--to line my heart-shaped mini cake pans. I center the liner in the pan and hold it in place with one hand while using a finger from the other hand to crease the liner into place along the bottom of the pan. As soon as they're done baking, I pull the cakes out of the pans to cool so that I can get the next batch in the oven. Theres something about the folds that makes cupcake liners easier to shape than plain parchment paper, and there's no reason it wouldn't work in place of your springform bottoms.
Transfer to a cooling rack. Run a knife along the edges of the cake to loosen it completely from the sides of the pan. Wait until it has cooled completely, then slide a long thin spatula between the cake and the base. Use a large spatula to then move it to a serving plate.