pie crust leaking butter during blind bake
I used this all butter pie crust for the first time (https://food52.com/recipes...) and while blind baking (at 425 following this recipe https://food52.com/recipes...) lots and lots of butter leaked out of the crust and hit the bottom of my oven, leading to smoke alarms blaring. I cleaned the oven and popped it back in for a second bit of blind baking at 375 with a cookie sheet under the pie pan to catch leaky butter, though now the melted butter is running into the bottom of the pan.
Is this because of the temperature? Or normal for all butter crusts? Or did I do something wrong? I have more of the same crust to use for another pie tomorrow and am trying to figure out what to do.
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Thank you!
And put a cookie sheet underneath just in case. :-)
Thank you!