Light cream cheese

Yesterday when putting groceries away I found a 12-oz container of light cream cheese that the clerk must have accidentally put in my bag. I'm not a fan of light cream cheese - does anyone know of any recipes that use a good amount of cream cheese, but the cream cheese isn't necessarily the star? Or recipes that do particularly well with light cream cheese? Sweet or savory is fine!

  • Posted by: Julie
  • April 4, 2017


Laurel O. April 5, 2017
I would add it to brownies or something in baking where you add sugar to the cream cheese.
Ttrockwood April 4, 2017
- mashed potatoes
- potato gratin
- mix with salsa for a creamy dip
- whisk into a quick pasta sauce like this
- make black bottom cupcakes
- use on sandwiches instead of mayo
Nancy April 4, 2017
one way to use it would be in dishes that already have a good amount of fat and flavor, so the lightness of the cream cheese will not dominate the taste.
Example: Seven layer dip, which also has sour cream, cheddar and olives.
Or in cheesecake (sweet or savory) where the cream cheese is also dominated by other flavor ingredients.
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