watery salad
I need some cooking advice - this seemed like the right place to ask. There's a salad I like to make: just arugula, salt/pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil (with parmesan cheese on top). But half the time it comes out soggy/watery. I use organic arugula that comes pre-washed in a vacuum sealed plastic box, doesn't appear to be any water on it. Where is the water coming from? What am I doing wrong?
Any advice is appreciated...thanks!
(also make sure the leaves are completely dry before dressing them, as Nancy suggested).
To get them, put them in a terry cloth salad bag or clean cotton pillow case, swing a few times ti shake off residual water, then refrigerate a couple hours in the bag/pillow case. Remove, dress, serve.
If no bag, wrap the greens in a clean cotton dish towel for same process.
Last, I wonder if the manufacturer puts treats the prewashed leaves to keep them fresh and if the chemical interacts with the dressing to make it watery. Try making it yourself one time, starting with normal dirty and/or organic leaves and see if you get better results.
However, found lots of interesting info suggesting that pre-bagged and/or pre-washed salad greens (not specifically arugula) are likely both old (2 weeks or more) by the time they reach the grocery store and not necessarily very clean.
Maybe start buying unwashed unpackaged arugula for several reasons, not just watery dressing.