Hi folks...just moved to Paris (days ago!) and am looking for good baking store suggestions...living in the 11th...any good ideas?

I am wanting to participate in the Baking Club and will be starting with Dorie's Cookies...looking for good stores to shop...Paris By Mouth has good suggestions but any local info would be great too...thanks!

Laura Wehrman


ChefJune April 20, 2017
Lucky you! :-D There's no dearth of stores for baking supplies in Paris. G. Detou (a great play on words) is great, but not the only place by far. And I agree that I'd try to hook up with David Lebovitz. His sources would be impeccable as are his recipes.
Be sure to drop by Willi's Wine Bar and Maceo on 13-15 rue des Petits Champs in the 1er and introduce yourself to my good friends Mark and Adrian Williamson. They are a great source for Paris food and wine recos.
Miss_Karen November 26, 2019
How do you join the baking club?
Laura W. April 20, 2017
Thank you everyone!...such great info!
amysarah April 20, 2017
I'd also drop David Lebovitz a note - I'm sure he'd have lots of good suggestions. I believe he also lives in the 11th.

You might also try Clotilde at Chocolate & Zucchini: http://chocolateandzucchini.com/ Besides her website, she also writes books/leads Parisian culinary tours - she's lovely and I'm sure would be helpful.

Patricia Wells would also be a great source - her Food Lover's Guide to Paris (book or app) is essential for culinary Paris in general. http://www.patriciawells.com/
jessicamclement April 19, 2017
In reference to a previous comment, Bio c'est Bon is all over Paris, as well as other bio stores like Naturalia. Even Monoprix and larger Carrefours are starting to have decent baking ingredients (well, for North American styles, for French styles of baking they have all the standard ingredients).

For a more professional type of store, I would recommend G. Detou (it is found on rue Tiquetonne - also there is a pretty good Mexican/Tex-Mex nearby and the BEST pizza in Paris). Around the Etienne-Marcel area next to rue Tiquetonne, you can also find a few other professional baking stores, but some how I always end up at G. Detou. Here you will be able to find baking sheets, moulds, and other specialty materials.

I would also recommend checking out Hema. It's a Dutch (I think) home goods store with lots of random things, but they have cheap, yet reliable, baking equipment, along with cupcake tins, fun coloured sprinkles, and coloured marzipan.

Finally, if you're wanting to splurge a bit, the baking/food section at Le Bon Marché (La Grand Épicerie) is top ! Oh – and the baking section at the BHV department store isn’t terrible either.
Patricia H. April 19, 2017
Bio c'est Bon has organic ingredients. It's in the 3d but just over the line. Check out David Lebovitz's website. He's a baker and lives in Paris.
Nancy April 19, 2017
2 suggestions
Detou for ingredients
Dehillerin for equipment
David Lebovitz blog for occasional useful informationabout ingredients, e.g., French sugars
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