Increasing weight

Making a curry for 35 people.the original recipe is for 12 -26. The original requires 50g of ginger fresh, 8 garlic cloves, 250 of curry paste 300ml of water and 1 stock cube. How do I ammend this? Thanks

  • Posted by: Sheila
  • May 25, 2017


PieceOfLayerCake May 25, 2017
When I'm never absolutely sure of these things....I always make extra and risk the leftovers. I would say, follow Nancy's advice and go slightly over than estimation.
Nancy May 25, 2017
If you've not made or served this dish before, consider the appetites and the other dishes you will serve on this occasion.
If it's to be a main dish or hearty meal, estinate the original as serving 12 and multiply everything by 3 to get 36 servings.
If the curry is to be a side dish, an appetizer or part of a mezze spread, estimate it as giving 24 or 26 servings, and make (at most) 1.5x.
Last way to think it out - because people's ideas of serving size vary so much - is to make a sample batch and see what that gives you.
Then you can project for your guests and your occasion.
Rachelwrites May 25, 2017
That's a big serving difference. Is the variance based on whether it is served as a side or main? If so, how are you serving it?
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