Barley Semolina

Where can I buy barley semolina (semoule d'orge) in the U.S.?

  • Posted by: Erica
  • May 27, 2017


caninechef May 30, 2017
I Googled Bob's Red Mill Barley and Bob seems to offer several Barley products. Maybe one will work for you.
Erica May 30, 2017
I found barley flour (a fine powder) and barley grits (a course grind) at a middle eastern market. Not sure if either product is the same as 'barley semolina'
Windischgirl May 27, 2017
I would try a pan-Asian grocery store; H-Mart and Assi are two pan-Asian chain supermarkets. Or try a Middle Eastern food store, like Kalustyans in NYC, who also ship. Have you already looked on Amazon?
Erica May 30, 2017

I found barley flour (a fine powder) and barley grits (a course grind). Not sure if either is considered 'barley semolina'
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