eggs, once cracked
Can I save them in fridge a day? i just got ready to make scrambled eggs, added cream and s and p. Can I cook them tomorrow? Am I the biggest worrywart in the world?
foodfighterFebruary 24, 2011
Yes you can do that. Also, if you have stock piled eggs you can actually save them in the freezer. Depending on if you save only whites, only yolks or whole eggs, you may have to add salt, sugar or lemon juice. See McGee On Food and Cooking (section on preserving/storing Eggs).
katiebakesFebruary 24, 2011
Oh yeah they'll be perfectly alright! I have never added cream and then saved them, but so many times when a recipe has called for just an egg white I've saved the egg yolk for several days and it's always been okay; perfect to put in cornbread.
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