making red velvet cupcakes with cheesecake in the middle and as soon as they came out of oven the cheesecake sunk in the middle

Dawn Messer
  • 1 Comment

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Veronica October 5, 2017
Hey Dawn - What exactly is the question you need an answer to?

If you're looking for a way to cover up the sunken cheesecake - most folks I know who've made cheesecake filled cupcakes pipe some icing or sweetened cream cheese on top. No one will be the wiser!

But if you're worried about the cheesecake - I wouldn't, it's fairly common for cheesecake centers of cupcakes to sink. Depending on what's in them, the cheesecake can collect steam from the baking of the cupcakes, bubble and puff up, then as they cool they settle, the cake becomes dense and creamy and a little sunken
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