I don't have an egg for meatloaf, what can I use?



Freddie M. May 29, 2020
I don't normally use egg. But I use quinoa instead of bread crumbs in my turkey meat loaf. It's tender and moist and turns out great.
Madaline M. April 14, 2018
Unsweetened applesauce work very well. Gives it no weird taste or texture. Use about half a can of unsweetened applesauce. You use sweetened apples but you will have to adjust the recipe because if you use sweetened you use less applesauce. Tested I use it all the time
usuba D. February 28, 2011
Salt will naturally extract the protein out of the meat to bind the meatloaf. You just need to mix the mixture slowly as you would knead bread to extract the protein from flour. That is how all meat blocks are formed such as sausage, boneless hams, etc. If you do not add salt, you will not get an extraction, hence no bind. I never use eggs and I get a very tender meatloaf every time.
wandajune6 February 28, 2011
I'm a big fan of using bread softened in milk. I prefer egg but this has pretty much the same effect.
ChefDaddy February 28, 2011
Woops! Provided there is enough fat in the mixture!
ChefDaddy February 28, 2011
Meatloaf is a forcemeat much like sausage or pate' en croute which means that when done properly they are an emulsion. With moisture (wine, beer, water, stock) and enough low speed mixing and it should be bound together perfectly. No Egg needed.
Smaug April 15, 2018
Everyone interested in cooking should probably look up the word "emulsion"; it gets used in some very peculiar ways.
Sam1148 February 28, 2011
Additionally: When I use the gelatin with an egg use 1/2 tsp. It really helps an all beef meatloaf hold moisture. The tip for this was from Cooks Illustrated.
Sam1148 February 28, 2011
If you have unflavored gelatin. 1 tsp of that in a 1/2 cup of beef stock. Let it 'bloom'.
This is also good to add even you use egg and are making a ball beef meat loaf without any ground pork or veal.
nutcakes February 28, 2011
Also untested but a couple Tbsp of mayonaise may work-- has eggs.
aargersi February 28, 2011
Hmm - well, I make meatballs without egg and they hold together OK - I would soak the bread or breadcrumb - whichever you are using, in enough milk to get them very moist, and that should act as a binder (also untested by me in meatloaf format!)
HungryChic February 28, 2011
Note this is untested, but I'd suggest 1T of cornstarch for 1 LB of meat. It will help keep the juices in the meat. I have many Asian "meatball" recipes that do not use egg but include cornstarch. Hope this helps.
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