Anyone have Emile Henry Flame cookware?

I just got the large (5.5 quart) pot a week ago, and so far, it's all I'd hoped it would be. Do the rest of you like it, and if so, what piece should I look at next? I love to cook for a crowd, but it's usually just two of us.



Greenstuff January 9, 2014
So funny to have this question re-surface after 3 years! (Thank I_fortuna up above.) I still love that pot, use it constantly, have not had any problem in cleaning it, and haven't suffered from hot spots. I've thus far resisted not only the pizza stone but also the tagine. I do have the fondue pot and could be talked into most everything else. And I've expanded my other (less rugged) clay-pot collection. Except for my occasional use of induction, I am a total fan.
MNDot June 9, 2013
I have a piece of Flame purchased nearly 2 years ago. The middle part of the Dutch oven burns repeatedly, even on the lowest heat. Very frustrating.
pierino June 9, 2013
The easiest solution to the 'hot spot' problem is to use a flame tamer plate which will distribute heat evenly. This is a good idea for all earthenware that you are using on a gas cook top.
pierino March 2, 2011
Pierino is not a God maybe just a best
Greenstuff March 1, 2011
Thanks again everyone. I did already know that pierino is one of the gods. And my daughter would agree with you on the pizza stone, sam1148. When she saw me salivating over one last December, she asked me, "Why on earth you want that? You barely even make pizza!" But there's still a siren's song in the beautiful flat, ceramic surface. I keep wondering whether whether people have applications for it other than pizza.
Sam1148 March 1, 2011
I was looking over the pizza stone today. As much as I love their material, I'll have to pass on that one. It has handles on the sides that looked raised just a bit above the flat surface of the stone which would make using a pizza peel difficult.
Soozll March 1, 2011
I have the pie plate and I love it. I haven't had a soggy apple or pumpkin pie crust since.
pierino March 1, 2011
Aw shucks, Daddy...
ChefDaddy March 1, 2011
@Greenstuff-Glad I could help!- It's all thanks to pierino that I know this.
Greenstuff March 1, 2011
Thanks for that tip, ChefDaddy. I read a review that claimed problems with burning, but I've made a cassoulet, a vegetable stew, and a bunch of other stuff that involved browning and braising (busy week), without any heat control problems. Darker, richer braises? Now, I'm really sold!
ChefDaddy March 1, 2011
Just one more. I love my Emile Henry flame earthenware! I bought a dutch oven about six months ago and I can say that if your braising the same recipe as you would in a cast iron dutch oven the one done in the earthenware is going to be a little darker and a little richer tasting. For braising it is as if you cooked with the lid off but without the evaporation, which leads me to believe that they do breathe. I have made a few more purchases of the flame line and love it. I was a bit interested in the product but thanks to a post by pierino I became a convert.
Greenstuff March 1, 2011
Thanks, everyone! I'd been putting off the purchase, and I'm glad to hear that my one week of being happy is going to continue. I've only made no-knead bread once and hadn't really been thinking about it--but now I'm learning that a lot of people buy my pot specifically to make it. I'd love the tagine and the pizza stone, but have a bit of hard time justifying them, so maybe I'll think about a smaller pot or the brazier next.
cookbookchick March 1, 2011
The milk boil is something EH recommends before use. I did it on mine -- no idea whether it has made any difference in stain resistance as I haven't used it long enough. btw, I have been baking no-knead bread with great results in a variety of covered pots, but I recently tried baking a loaf of bread made the usual kneaded way in a pot as directed with the no-knead breads. It came out deliciously crusty and beautiful -- I highly recommend it! No need (pardon the pun) to spray the oven with water during baking anymore!
pulcinella #. March 1, 2011
I have a medium sized one, which I bought because the color, green, is so eye-catching. (The aubergine is a stunner too, but it came out just after I bought mine.) I admit to having used it only a handful of times since I bought it two or three years ago. Like Sam1148, I found the pot hard to clean, at least on the outside. I wonder if I submerged it in milk and boiled it if that would make the outside more stain resistant. Does anybody know?
pierino March 1, 2011
I absolutely swear by this line, but then I've been cooking in earthenware for quite a few years. There is something magic about the flavors that you can get as each piece becomes more seasoned. I had a conversation with Russ Parsons about this, comparing our theories as to why this happens. I own several Flame pieces, most recently the pizza stone. I've had my eye on the tagine, but I already own several tagines.
Sam1148 March 1, 2011
Well, I messed up my last post. You would need the digital scale for the measuring the flour in the no-kneed bread. I failed before doing that trying to make the dough more like a normal bread dough... for the yeast..just a 1/4 tsp of dry yeast.
It turns you head around, and instinct for making bread. A very 'shaggy dough'..which sits 24 hours. Then it transforms and become more wet over time.

In the clay steams at first....then remove the lid..and finish baking. It's the best thing other than a bread oven IMHO.
I_Fortuna January 9, 2014
I make this bread all the time and no scale is needed. This is a very forgiving way to make bread. The longest I have proofed the bread is 18 hours. 8 to 24 hours depending on room temp or proofing in the fridge. I have never had to proof over 18 hours and that was for pizza dough.
You can place your bread dough on parchment paper and drop the whole kaboodle into the pot parchment and all.
My bread always comes out crisp when I bake on parchment.
Sam1148 March 1, 2011's a link for the "No Kneed Bread" that uses weights. When you get down to the yeast..just backtrack to the original recipe and use dry yeast. (you need a digital scale tho).

Google it..and look. The clay cookware is perfect for that. And your 5 qt, should do the job well.
Sam1148 March 1, 2011
Yes, I only have the tagine. it's wonderful. I use it for stews etc.

But the BEST application. And I'm not sure your pot will hold it.
Is the No-Need Bread.
If I bought another item, it would be probably be a stew type pot.

Despite the claims, it kinda difficult to clean when you really, really, use it. Some bits of oil and such bake on in spots. However, it's wonderful for heat transfer. I love it despite the 5 years of use and some really baked on spots.
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