What's the name of the cake using 3 sticks of butter, and what's the name of the baker?

The cake was featured recently; the recipe was a re-print as it originally appeared several years ago.



foofaraw February 3, 2018
7 Up Cake by Dara Mathis has 3 stick of butter https://food52.com/blog/21426-home-is-where-the-7-up-cake-is
susielou February 4, 2018
Thank you for the link. I appreciate everyone who offered their suggestions; wow! I just might make all of them.
creamtea February 1, 2018
Here is a pound cake with 3 sticks of butter: https://food52.com/recipes/57914-gold-cake-with-boiled-icing-1866
BerryBaby February 1, 2018
Was it Danish Dream cake? It uses 15 tablespoons of butter and is a reprint from Saveur magazine.
susielou January 30, 2018
I don't think so...but thanks Lindsay-Jean, for all your suggestions.
susielou January 30, 2018
Lindsay-Jean, thank you for your help! Possibly a pound cake or its variation. That and the 3 sticks of butter are all I can think of.
Lindsay-Jean H. January 30, 2018
Okay, fingers crossed, this one? https://food52.com/recipes/57914-gold-cake-with-boiled-icing-1866
Lindsay-Jean H. January 30, 2018
This one from Rose Levy Beranbaum uses 2 sticks of butter, could this be it? https://food52.com/recipes/40780-rose-levy-beranbaum-s-chocolate-oblivion-truffle-torte
susielou January 30, 2018
Lindsey-Jean, it wasn't Beranbaum's recipe, as I'd recognize her name; and possibly originally printed a few years before her recipe. A tag noted that the cake was a community favorite. The re-print was since 2018 began was a feature article. The cake did have 3 sticks of butter.
Lindsay-Jean H. January 30, 2018
Hm, we'll keep thinking! Do you remember anything else about the cake that might help us find it?
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