boozy husband muffin request
Hello friends! My completely charming husband was ruminating (after his 3rd bourbon) last night about how awesome it would be to have a sweet muffin with savory elements. "Like a regular muffin, but with bacon and CHEESE!," he said. "So like a corn muffin," I said. "No, no, no," he said, vigorously shaking his head, "not sweet enough." Then there was a moment of silent contemplation. "With green chilies!" he pronounced, emphatically.
Anybody got any ideas? many thanks in advance!
Not much advice to offer- as they say "cooking is an art, baking is a science" The levels of liquids, fats, and dry ingredients can make a tremendous difference in the final product. Think about the similarities and differeces between chocolate cake and a chocolate brownie. It's all in the ratios involved...
But I have to admit, a corn muffin with bacon, cheese, and a bit of jalapeno sounds tasty right now- and I just might be boozed enough myself to forget this comment tomorrow. (lol)
In any case, both yeast-dough rolls will keep better than quick-bread based muffins.
There are muffin recipes where It's part of the batter.
Or some with bourbon butter as a garnish.