Sunken muffin tops: I made Dorie Greenspan's Corniest Corn Muffins and they sank miserably.
I did not open the oven until just before they were done. I didn't have buttermilk, so I hacked some using whole milk and some lemon juice (just a tiny bit left from an already lightly squeezed half) plus about a teaspoon of cider vinegar (didn't measure). I'm wondering if the buttermilk was too acidic, which caused an over-reaction with the baking powder + baking soda. What do you think? The muffins tasted great, by the way. (I doubled the nutmeg.) Thank you. ;o)
Here is the recipe, FYI:
Thanks for the reminder, oldunc, about the buttermilk powder. I can get it in bulk, so I've made a note to buy a small quantity for emergencies just like this one.
Have a great weekend, all of you!
Cheers. ;o)
My first guess would be too much liquid - meaning milk is not as viscous as buttermilk, although not all buttermilks are created equal! When I don't have buttermilk I tend to use yogurt, because thicker is usually a better direction to go than thinner. I LOVE the dried buttermilk idea! For you who has a little meteor of dried buttermilk - if you have a food processor that can usually help the clump issue.