How do I get the salsa smell out of the jar lid?
The glass jar is now clean and odorless, but the lid is ... well, it's not. I tried baking soda and vinegar and a water-baking soda paste. Any other ideas before I deem this jar a lost cause?
NancyAugust 24, 2018
Fill the jar with salt.
Leave a week or so.
Test jar lid.
If it fails sniff test, leave another week.
When jar Iid is ok, move salt to another container.
Leave a week or so.
Test jar lid.
If it fails sniff test, leave another week.
When jar Iid is ok, move salt to another container.
Lori T.August 22, 2018
You might also try soaking it with a denture cleaner tablet. I use those to clean vases, and discovered they also work wonders to help remove stains and odors from plastic containers. Yeah- no more bento box smelling like tuna! Depending on the size of it, you might want more than one tablet, and try to soak it several hours or overnight.
DianaSeptember 2, 2018
I tried bleach first, which got most of the smell out. Then this got the rest. I'll go straight to the denture tablet next time. Thanks!
HalfPintAugust 22, 2018
Soak in hot soapy water for about 15-20 minutes.
PegeenAugust 22, 2018
Run it through the dishwasher. Or soak in a bowl of water with a few drops of bleach added, then rinse very well.
SMSFAugust 22, 2018
Yes, and after soaking in water with a bit of bleach + rinsing well, leave the lid out in the sun if possible for a day. (The sun is a great deodorizer for sponges, too.)
DianaSeptember 2, 2018
Bleach got most of the smell out, but some lingered, possibly because I used very little. Thanks for the suggestion!
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