What is the best type of crust for a pecan pie? I find even with covering the crust is done well before the filling. Help!

Would changing to a butter/shortening combo help?

Evin Lowe


Ella Q. November 19, 2018
Hi Evin,

I love the dough recipe in this:
Smaug November 19, 2018
Changing from what? I generally use a butter/Crisco combination with pecan pies and it's no problem, but I don't think the type of fat (aka shortening- I will get that word reinstated before I die) has any profound effect on the bake time of a crust.
Emma L. November 19, 2018
Hi Evin! My default pie crust is all-butter and this has always worked for me with pecan pies. But the bake time really depends on the filling! Here's a pecan pie recipe that uses a butter/shortening combo for the crust—with a lot of positive reviews: https://food52.com/recipes/39029-craig-kathleen-claiborne-s-mississippi-pecan-pie. Happy Thanksgiving!
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