Has anyone made frosting with tofu?
Couldn't B.March 17, 2011
What kind if frosting? I use tofutti cream cheese in a bunch of different frostings, but I don't know if that will work for you. Let me know if you want recipes.
AnitalectricMarch 12, 2011
I no longer use soy in my baking, but years ago, I regularly used a chocolate tofu frosting recipe that was very tasty. I couldn't find the exact one, but it was very similar to the frosting in this cake recipe:
The only difference was that I used a blender instead of a food processor. You have to fuss with it a lot in the beginning to get it super-smooth, but after a while, if you are persistent, it will be as smooth and creamy as chocolate pudding. You could also start it in the processor and finish it in the blender, but the time you will save blending you will spend on dishes :)
The problem with tofu frosting is that after a few days of sitting around on a frosted cupcake or cake, it starts to dry out and crack. But if you don't plan to have your baked goods sitting around more than a few days, this is a great one to use.
It has a rich and creamy texture, and a very chocolate-y flavor. It is not too sweet, (which may be a problem for people who want a very sweet frosting). You can only add maple up to a point before it starts to get too liquidy. Whatever you do, do NOT add powdered sugar to tofu frosting. It will turn completely to liquid goop that is un-salvageable.
I recommend using sprouted tofu (Wildwood is a good brand), because it is easier to digest. And for me, and many other people, since this is an un-cooked tofu recipe, that is an issue. But if you can't find sprouted tofu, try the recipe anyway.
I have never made a vanilla tofu frosting and would not recommend it, because the tofu flavor might be overwhelming, and it wouldn't have the chocolate to help it set.
Have fun!
Blissful B.March 12, 2011
Although I haven't made frosting with tofu, I have made mousse with silken tofu & it was delicious. I imagine frosting would be as well. Using silken tofu is key. Here are 2 recipes to try:
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