@Foodpickle what cream do I use for Gratin Duphanoise potatoes?



yella March 14, 2011
my friend from Lyon swears by heavy cream and every time I do it, I use heavy cream too. Its not on the light side, yes, but its not supposed to be diet food haha. I also find that lots and lots of fresh ground nutmeg give it that delicious french mountain feel.

Greenstuff March 13, 2011
I usually use heavy cream and I don't cover. I guess the upshot is that you can do what you like. There's a huge range for success.
Merrill S. March 13, 2011
You can actually use whole milk and still get nice results, because the starch in the potatoes thickens the liquid -- in fact, I find that cream alone can be a little heavy. I scald the milk, infuse it with a crushed garlic clove, and then pour it over thinly sliced, raw potatoes layered with cheese, salt and pepper -- cover and bake!
nogaga March 13, 2011
Sweet, heavy cream! (At least 42% fat, I'd say...)
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