A question about a recipe: Cowboy Rubbed Rib Eye with Chocolate Stout Pan Sauce

I have a question about step 3 on the recipe "Cowboy Rubbed Rib Eye with Chocolate Stout Pan Sauce" from Aliwaks. It says:

"Heat a cast iron pan until it's really really hot -- a drop of water flicked into the pan should sizzle and bounce. Add vegetable oil, wait a few seconds until the oil heats up, then place the steak in the pan. It should sizzle; leave it there, do not touch it at all for 3-4 minutes. It should be browning on the bottom. Then place it under a hot broiler and broil to medium rare or desired doneness."

  • Posted by: gramps
  • March 13, 2011


Aliwaks March 13, 2011
Yep! That way you dont have to turn it, I have a phobia about burning my bangs! I get really nervous bending into the broiler, so discovered if I get cast irOn pan really hot it sears the bottom, no turning. No burnt hair scariness :).
hardlikearmour March 13, 2011
Correct. You don't turn it over, the broiler cooks the top.
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