Seeking old jewish recipe for Apple Fluden which is prepared on a cookie sheet and uses a cake like dough, NOT a pie/pastry crust.

My mother-in-law is craving this dessert that her grandmother made for her. She has found similiar recipes but all of them were made with a pie crust instead. I would love to surprise her with a recipe! Thanks so much!



drbabs March 19, 2011
Fluden, Apple (P, TNT)
Source: "The Great Hadassah Cookbook," compiled by Members of Edmonton Hadassh-Wizo
Serves: 12-15
4 eggs
1 cup sugar, 250ml
1 cup oil, 250ml
1 teaspoon vanilla, 5ml
Pinch of salt
2 teaspoon baking powder, 10ml
4 cups flour, 1L

Apple Filling:
8 apples, grated
1 cup sugar, 250ml
1/8 teaspoon ginger, 0.5ml
Pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 3ml
1 tablespoon lemon juice, 15ml
2 tablespoons bread crumbs, 30ml

Beat eggs well, then beat in sugar. Mix in remaining ingredients, using enough flour to make a soft dough. Divide dough in half and roll out. Line a greased 9" square (2.5L) baking pan with first half of rolled dough.

Drain apples. Combine with remaining ingredients and mix well. Spread filling over base, dot with margarine, and cover with remaining dough. Sprinkle cinnamon and nuts over top layer of dough before baking. Mark in squares.

Bake at 350°F (180°C) for 1 hour. Cut into squares when cool.

Posted by Rema Comras

Nutritional Info Per Serving: N/A
latoscana March 19, 2011
Here's one for the flaky dough from Gil Marks, who very reliable for very good and authentic recipes: For the apple filling, I think you can improvise but here's one that looks good (most look too sweet):
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