Kaffir Lime Leaves...and Lime-ade?
It's time to start clearing out the freezer ahead of our next overseas move -- I have a large package of frozen kaffir lime leaves. I saw a suggestion about 'infusing a sugar syrup...' with them. I always have a heavy lemon syrup in the fridge for sparkling lemonade (Old 'Joy of Cooking' version) and was wondering if a limeade with a couple of handfuls with the kaffir leaves would work. Thoughts? Other ideas?
As a side note, I've become aware that "kaffir" is a highly offensive racial slur in much of the world (although possibly not when the lime was named) and have been trying to retrain myself to use the Thai name "makrut lIme." (more here: https://slate.com/culture...)
Have another NY restaurant recipe I like & make from time to time featuring kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass stalks....
"Feel good tea" which uses green or herbal tea (but could, I suppose, be made with black tea).
Very refreshing. Drink hot or chill in fridge and drink cold.