Are chilies dried or fresh?

Suzy's Mom


C S. February 27, 2019
Reading the recipe it looks like the chipotles will be in a sauce already and then the other two are dried.

Over a clay comal or cast iron skillet, toast the dried guajillo and cascabel chiles until fragrant (roughly 1 minute, depending on the dryness of the chiles). Take care not to burn them, or the sauce will be bitter. Once toasted, soak the chiles in water for 15 minutes.
Smaug February 27, 2019
Cascabels are actually only available dried (cascabel is Spanish for "rattle")- possibly you can get fresh guajillos at some Mexican markets, though they're somewhat disappointing in flavor. If you toast the chiles (a step I generally skip in this sort of recipe- it changes the flavor a bit, but not in the way that does much for me) you'd want to be careful with the cascabels- they're warmish, enough that if burned at all they will produce something similar to tear gas.
Smaug February 27, 2019
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