Happy First Day of Spring! Grilling out!

I received a new Weber for Christmas and my son is busting it out today for burgers, even though its just 43 degrees and overcast here on the upper left coast. I made a lemon meringue pie and daughter-in-law will grill-roast some fat asparagus. I have to work now. . .there better be leftovers when I get home!

Anyone else doing a spring happy dance?



Kayb March 20, 2011
80 degrees on the lake today. I planted herbs, cleaned out the pots from last year's herbs that have popped back out, and grilled pork chops and chicken breasts. And drank beer. And someone was actually skiing today!
Sadassa_Ulna March 20, 2011
Happy Spring betteirene! Here in the Philadelphia area we have been enjoying a week of warmer weather - finally - and I am so psyched to get planting! Enjoy your grilling!
mrslarkin March 20, 2011
Oh, Happy Happy Joy Joy!

I'm roasting a chicken. If I knew how to light the grill, I would totally be spatchcocking and grilling this birdy. I've got a slight phobia of exploding appliances. I break out into a cold sweat when I have to press the "ignite" button. This week's fire theme? Freaking. Me. Out.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday dinner!!
aargersi March 20, 2011
Happy Happy spring! Tomatoes and onions are in, worm cocoons are stirred into the new bed with some tasty compost, herbs are green, birds are singing!!! Life is good!!
wssmom March 20, 2011
Spring has sprung! Definitely!
Sam1148 March 20, 2011
Try a grilled pizza one time. They're amazing. You have to work pretty fast tho. Cook one side..then turn it over and decorate it with precooked stuff (If you use onions or mushrooms) and finish cooking back on the grill.
littleknitter March 20, 2011
Spring has sprung, the grass is ris, I wonder where the birdies is?

I am also doing a major happy dance and kicking off the spring season with pavlova!
Helen's A. March 20, 2011
Dancing as we speak! Crocus, snow drops and early iris are up in the yard. Very happy here in northern Mass.
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