"Finely Grated Rind"?

I'm thinking this is simply lemon zest. But I know that there are recipes out there using entire lemons. By "rind", do you mean we grate the bitter pith as well as the flavorful yellow zest?

  • Posted by: jp
  • April 10, 2019


Smaug April 10, 2019
It's zest, don't know why it was worded that way.
Nancy April 10, 2019
Never use the white part between the colored skin and the fruit.
It is bitter and will detract from and ruin a dish.
Smaug April 10, 2019
As the poster pointed out, there are some dishes that use the pith; I've seen recipes recently calling for things like boiling a whole orange and throwing it in a blender as part of a cake. Other than occasional brushes with marmalade (which needs to be balanced pretty exactly) and a few attempts to make a Shaker lemon pie (soon gave up on that one) I haven't delved into them to any great extent.
Nancy April 10, 2019
OK, you're right. Not never. Very rarely.
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