Cacao Powder
I bought a big bag of Cacao powder and cannot figure out how to use it. Is it possible to substitute Cacao powder for the chocolate? If so, how much and do I need to make any other adjustments. Thank you
Recipe question for:
Extra-Fudgy Flourless Chocolate Cake
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I use 1/4 c cocoa powder in sugar cookies, 2 T in gingerbread.
Sometimes when I've used cocoa powder instead of chocolate, I get a loss of intense chocolate flavor intended by the recipe. Feels like "meh" and a waste of good ingredients.
In a pinch, for every ounce of chocolate in a recipe, you could use 3 Tbsp cocoa, 1 tbsp butter or oil and if sweet chocolate, 3-4 tsp sugar.
If you like hot cocoa, another way to use up the cocoa powder is to mix your own cocoa blend (some with all cocoa, some with cocoa and chocolate).
For home use and/or gifts, tastes so much better than store-bought mixes heavy with sugar and laced with preservatives.
Look for recipes by Pierre Herme (Paris confectioner) and Wittamer's Belgian Hot Chocolate. (recipe #771)