I'm in the market for a spaetzle maker. (Not a ricer or food mill.) Any model recommendations?

I normally smear the dough on a cutting board and use a spatula to push it off into the simmering water. This method works great, but I'd like a way to have more uniform/smaller spaetzle. (Ok, and my mother-in-law is coming for a visit and I want my spaetzle to look pretty.) Any suggestions?



halfasiangirl March 21, 2011
Excellent, that was just the advice I was looking for. Thanks for the rec, lakeline!
lakeline March 21, 2011
I've done the colander trick and the cheese grater trick, and while they work, they are much more time-and-effort-consuming than the little Norpro I posted above. For $10 it is VERY worth it to have on hand. That plus my kitchenaid mixer mean making spaetzle is an easy side that I make regularly instead of a difficult one that I make rarely. :)
Burnt O. March 21, 2011
I'm so glad you asked this question! My sister and I were just talking about it. I use a flat cheese grater held over the water, but I was thinking of investing in something a little more permanent.
lakeline March 21, 2011
This is the one I have: http://www.amazon.com/Norpro-3128-Spaetzle-Maker/dp/B00004UE89/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1300742444&sr=8-1

It is basic but it is PERFECT for what it does. It makes spaetzle quickly and with very little effort! It can be a tiny bit hard to clean but if you are just sure to rinse it or soak it soon after you use it,it will be great. :)
boulangere March 21, 2011
I just use a colander and white plastic scraper :)
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