Torta Caprese: Can the sugar be replaced with Stevia?

Karrin R. Kreutzberg


Lori T. May 31, 2019
You would not necessarily want to replace all of the sugar with stevia. Sugar provides more than just sweetness in recipes, especially baked goods. It also helps with browning and moisture retention. Since this is a chocolate cake, the browning isn't an issue, but the cake also contains almond meal- so moisture retention will be. Your cake may end up dryer and shorter in height if you take out all the sugar. I'd suggest you consider leaving in at least 1/4 cup of it, to help prevent that happening.
HalfPint May 29, 2019
I think it might work, given that the texture and structure is not dependent on flour and/or sugar. And also, the bitterness of the dark chocolate will be the dominant flavor which would mask the sometimes astringent off-flavors of the stevia.
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