This sounds delicious, but I have a couple questions. When you say two pieces of Thai chilies, would any fresh hot pepper work? Two jalapeno or serran

Robb Bunnell
Recipe question for: Pithla


Annada R. June 20, 2019
Thank you for your question and interest, Robb! Yes, Serrano pepper is fine and any fresh hot pepper would be fine, as long as it introduces heat into the dish. And by red chile powder I mean a powder made by crushing any dry red chiles without any other spices like cumin or oregano.
Smaug June 20, 2019
I would go ahead and use something that you're comfortable with the heat level- serrano would be good. The recipe also includes a "dried red chile pepper" without specifying variety, and red chile powder, by which they could either mean one of the varietals such as Ancho or New Mexico or one of the made-up chile powders made from assorted peppers, cumin, oregano garlic powder etc.- at any rate it's pretty unspecific, so I don't think you need worry much.
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