Any guidance on how to approach this without an ice-cream maker? I'd love to try this, but don't have an ice-cream maker at home. Thank you!

Allison Aylward
Carrot Ice Cream
Recipe question for: Carrot Ice Cream


Emma L. July 8, 2019
Hi Allison! Our contributor Alice Medrich uses a no-machine method for her strawberry sorbet: Basically, you freeze the mixture, break it into chunks, blend those in a food processor (to aerate), and either eat right away or freeze again. Not sure how that strategy would work with this recipe, but that's what I would try!
Allison A. July 9, 2019
Thanks, Emma! I used that method for a peach and pineapple ice cream for the 4th and it worked a treat. I'll certainly be trying it again for the carrot ice cream!
Nancy June 30, 2019
Here's one method you could use.
Labor intensive - have to use hand mixer on the cream every half hour or so for about 3 hours - but seems to work.
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