Are cauliflower greens edible? If so, how would they be prepared? Seems like such a waste to toss them.

Cauliflower greens edible



Terry August 18, 2019
I sometimes toss them in some oil and roast them. Yum!
vaughan August 18, 2019
I make cauliflower puree a lot. I cut up the stems and leaves along with the florets, steam them all and puree in the food processor. Then I add butter, salt, pepper and a bit of cream cheese. How could that be bad?
Emma L. August 12, 2019
Oops, didn't add the link :) Here it is:
Emma L. August 12, 2019
Hi! Here's a recipe that includes the greens: "All the Cauliflower" mac and cheese.
Kristen W. August 12, 2019
I asked that same question some years ago when I got some cauliflower with leaves intact in my CSA for the first time, and I got some great suggestions. If you search the hotline for “cauliflower leaves” you can read them.
Lori T. August 11, 2019
I had them cut in slivers and stir-fried in garlic and soy while living in Korea. They were pretty tasty. They are quite edible, and I have added them to soups after cutting them thinly. I would say they can be rather strongly flavored though, so you might want to consider that when adding them into things. But yes, they are quite edible- like the parts of most plants we toss aside as scrap.
Nicole August 11, 2019
The outer leaves of a cauliflower are edible, you can cook them just like spring greens and use as a substitute for any leafy greens such as kale and collard greens.
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