What the heck is Tehina sauce?

I cannot find Tehina sauce in my store, but I found a recipe for it online containing garlic, Tahini paste, water and lemon juice. Is that the sauce you are making?

  • Posted by: Frank
  • September 4, 2019


Nancy September 5, 2019
By happenstance, here's foodwriter Adena Sussman at about 18:41 with a new book about tehina and cooking with it.
Nancy September 5, 2019
General interview stars at 18:41
Tahini part at 24:45
Susan W. September 4, 2019
I also questioned the language in this recipe. I am guessing it should say Tahini in the ingredient list instead of Tehina since it gives instructions for making Tehina sauce in the first step and Hummus in the second step. Let me know if anyone makes this recipe. It sounds really good and easy, but wondering if 16 ozs of Tahini? is too much. Or if Tehina sauce is really what is being called for. If so, Whole Foods doesn't sell Tehina sauce.
DeDe C. September 4, 2019
An entire jar of tahini paste for only two cans of chickpeas? I must be missing something here.
Nicole September 4, 2019
Tahini is toasted ground sesame paste/ sauce. It is I believe, the equivalent of Tehini. Which is either a typo or another way of spelling it.
Nancy September 4, 2019
Slight clarification, Nicole.
The names are confusing, and sometimes one word is used for two things.
The sesame paste (usually called tahini or tahini paste) is mixed with some lemon juice, salt, garlic and cold water to make a thinner-textured sauce (called tahina).
This sauce is then used on a variety of Middle Eastern sandwiches, salads, mezze plates and grilled meats.
Nicole September 4, 2019
Ummm Isn’t that what I said? It’s sesame paste?

But the real question is what is tehini?😊
Nicole September 4, 2019
Are tahina and tehina (sauces made from sesame paste, lemon juice, water & garlic) the same thing?
Frank September 4, 2019
Agreed it IS confusing. I found the recipe for Tehina sauce on Food.com
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