Can you make this 5 minute hummus in a Vitamix?



Bklynbookgrrl September 5, 2019
Hi Baylaketrail-
So I made this in my Vitamin and it was fine. I had what I needed for half, and I think I put too much of the water in, but it's still fine. A half recipe makes quite a lot (1.5 Chinese soup take out containers-the small ones-I think that is 1.5 pints-so, 3 cups?) At first my husband said there was a bit too much garlic (I really amped up the garlic, cumin and salt.) but then he said-I must like it anyway, cause I can't stop eating it! I might tamp back the garlic next time a bit. But it was super fast, and super easy...Have fun!
Bklynbookgrrl September 4, 2019
I am interested in the answer to this as well.
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