My coworker makes a somewhat fudgy and grainy chocolate sauce (when refrigerated) - how can I replicate? She won't share the family recipe!

I'm not an experienced cook, but everything I've googled talks about how grainy chocolate sauce is an error related to chocolate seizing. This sauce is different - its like there are little crystallized sugar grains or something else making the texture less smooth. I assume something in the cooking process, not the ingredients, accounts for the difference... Thank you for your help!!

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Pam October 10, 2019
In my former husband's family, there was a lumpy chocolate sauce made by his grandma. She basically used a favorite fudge recipe that was cooked in a pan on the stove but stopped short before it was "done for fudge". Maybe you could try that. It was quite good and the description I would say is the same.
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