Recipe for a turkey breast for this Thanksgiving

I am in a new home with a smaller kitchen and my small family is coming for Thanksgiving. I need a really good, reliable recipe for a turkey breast. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Margot
  • November 3, 2019


Nancy November 3, 2019
I see Wendy and Brenda urging bone-in and glad they had good results with that.
But/and I've also had good results with a boned rolled stuffed turkey breast.
My favorite is stuffed with herbs and pistachio pesto, from Chef John Ash (California, stars and top ratings for his long time restaurant), recipe in his book Cooking One on One. Originally for veal, but alternative meats are turkey breast and lamb. Very fine.
Gammy November 3, 2019
Be careful brining unless you confirm the breast has not already been subjected to injection with those "natural" juices that so many commercially available birds are these days. The wonderful herb butter can go ON the skin, and/or UNDER it to keep the breast meat moist.
Steph November 3, 2019
I’ve made Barefoot Contessa’s Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast many times. Her recipes are always reliable for me. I agree with bone-in, but I don’t brine.
Brenda November 3, 2019
I've made that one too and it is my 2nd favorite. :)
Wendy November 3, 2019
I have made roast turkey breasts for the last few years now because no one in my family likes dark meat. I agree with Brenda that you should get a whole bone in, skin on turkey breast and definitely brine it!
I use Alton Brown’s recipe, it is easy to search the recipe on line.
Brenda November 3, 2019
It's more of a method than a recipe, but I make a compound butter (1 stick of softened butter mixed with fresh garlic, thyme, sage, parsley, lemon zest, and kosher salt, then placed back in the refrigerator to firm up) to rub on the turkey breast (be sure to use bone-in, skin on). Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Place the butter rubbed turkey breast in a baking dish. Roast 20 minutes, until skin starts to brown. Reduce the heat to 350 degrees F and continue to roast (approximately 20 minutes per pound) until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part registers 160 degrees F. Remove from the oven, cover with foil, and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes (the thermometer should register 165 degrees).
Margot November 3, 2019
Thank you! I am going to try this method. I have cooked a whole turkey but never just the breast.
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