How long can a fresh (bone-in) turkey breast last in the refrigerator?
I'm cooking a bone-in turkey breast for Christmas this year, and am trying to get my shopping done ahead of time. From doing a quick search online, most places recommend leaving a fresh turkey breast in the fridge a maximum of 1-2 days before cooking or freezing. The breasts I've seen in the store all seem to have a "cook or freeze by" date of 12/27/17. I'm assuming they don't put new turkey breasts out every couple of days, so I'm wondering if I really need to be concerned about buying a breast now if I don't plan on actually cooking it until Saturday (celebrating Christmas early). Assuming the "cook or freeze by" date is the 27th, should I be okay leaving it in the fridge for upwards of 3-4 days?
Make sure you cook it completely just to be safe!