How many days can we make it before serving? I assume we would store in refrigerator. Thanks

  • Posted by: Sulio
  • November 17, 2019
Our Best Pumpkin Roll
Recipe question for: Our Best Pumpkin Roll


Lorraine N. November 18, 2019
I have been making Pumpkin rolls for years and I make at least 8 of them at a time. I make them a little differently as I very quickly invert them onto a linen towel that I pre-sprinkle with confectioners sugar to prevent them from sticking, set them aside and wait until the cakes are completely cool before attempting to unroll and fill them. After filling I wrap the individual pumpkin rolls in plastic wrap and refrigerate them overnight on a larger sheet pan for support to prevent the rolls from cracking and to make them easy to transfer to and from my second refrigerator in our garage for gift giving. I normally purchase clam shell plastic containers from our local supermarkets bakery department that are perfect to use for presentation as gifts. They are always well received.

Pumpkin rolls keep well and can easily be made up to 4 days in advance and stored in the refrigerator with no flavor degradation. They need to be stored in the refrigerator because of the cream cheese filling. They also freeze quite well and can be made as much as a month ahead. Simply take them out of the freezer to defrost overnight in the refrigerator. If you do not make and freeze them ahead of time and instead simply refrigerate them until needed; you can slice and wrap individual slices in plastic wrap, freeze on a sheet pan until frozen and store the individual slices in a ziplock bag to enjoy later on for yourself or for unexpected company that drops by.

I have had many people pleasantly surprise me over the years by telling me they don’t like pumpkin pie, but after deciding on their own accord to try a piece say that they loved the pumpkin roll.
morgan October 23, 2023
Can you re-freeze the pumpkin rolls?
Lorraine N. October 24, 2023
If defrosted in the refrigerator then yes they can be refrozen & will be safe to eat, but I don't recommend doing so because it will adversely effect the taste. The flavor will be off because refreezing caused ice crystals to form which lets moisture escape.
morgan October 24, 2023
Thank you!! I only ask because I plan to play 20-25 and was going to freeze them for a couple weeks for a holiday bazaar. I didn't know if the people buying them would go home and freeze them as well for the holidays.
Lorraine N. October 24, 2023
Morgan. I assume you meant to type Plate them. You can make the rolls, then slice them and freeze on a parchment lined baking sheet. Once frozen carefully place in large 2 gallon freezer bags available at restaurant supply (they come in different thicknesses and I would recommend using the 2.7 mil bags) stores and place in a deep freezer on top of a baking sheet to prevent them from breaking or on the bottom shelf of a traditional freezer being careful not to place anything else on top to weight it down. I suppose placing another baking sheet upside down on top might protect them and permit you to store light weight items on top if you need more storage. Maybe that will help solve your dilemma.
morgan October 24, 2023
no, I needed to make 20-25 pumpkin Rolls no slice and plate them lol....
Lorraine N. October 24, 2023
I have been making these for years to bring to my veterinarians office for him and his staff (slightly different family recipe from my nonagenarian 2nd cousin) for their Christmas party. Last year I made these on a Saturday, brought them to the clinic on Tuesday, where they refrigerated them until their party the following Saturday night, so a total of 11 days from making to consuming them, and they all said they tasted great. Any leftovers they freeze and take out to defrost on a particularly busy day when they need a treat and said they still taste fresh. So based on this feedback, mine never last that long in our house, I would think they would be OK for up to 10 days not counting the day you make them. I always allow the rolls to sit overnight in the fridge to firm up before serving as my cousin directed, but not entirely sure it needs to sit this long. Hope that helps you. I can only get four at a time in my oven, I would love to have access to yours. These are super easy to make if you have never done so before. Have fun!
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