Substitute corn bread? Make ahead?

Could I substitute corn bread in this recipe? I need a gluten free option and would reallylobe to try this recipe. I would like to be able to make this a day or two ahead, does it hold up well? Also, where do you get oyster liquor?

  • Posted by: Megan
  • November 17, 2019
Oyster and Spinach Dressing
Recipe question for: Oyster and Spinach Dressing


Gammy November 18, 2019
Recipe definitely looks like a winner, but I would caution you on making too far in advance. Oysters are extremely perishable. I would make this dressing up a day or 2 in advance as suggested, but mix in the oysters, their liquor, the egg and chicken broth just before baking.
boulangere November 17, 2019
I've made cornbread and oyster stuffing for years. It is always best if the cornbread is made a couple of days ahead. When you buy a jar of fresh oysters, their liquid if the "liquor".
inpatskitchen November 17, 2019
Boulangere is right! Cornbread is always an option and I totally agree with making it a day or so ahead! If you're using shell oysters just save the juice from each shell. Thanks for giving this a try...hope you enjoy!
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