What size pan for this Stuffing Bread?

I baked this today on a sheet pan lined with parchment and it turned out flat. Could it be baked in an 8x4 inch loaf or 8 inch cake pan? I do not have a small dutch oven. It is warm and smells heavenly, but too flat!! I want to try it again before Thanksgiving, this afternoon.

Karen Oliver
Harvest Stuffing Bread
Recipe question for: Harvest Stuffing Bread


Gammy November 24, 2019
Here is a great equivalency chart for all different size pans. Hope it helps you: https://www.joyofbaking.com/PanSizes.html
Posie (. November 23, 2019
Definitely bake it in a pan. I use a Dutch oven but it should work in a 9” or 10” round pan. I haven’t tried it in a loaf pan but don’t see why it wouldn’t work well — I’m not sure if it’ll fit perfectly though but I suspect it will
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