For the sauce, the recipe says 1.5 QUARTS of Creamy Tomato Soup. Does that mean you need almost 5 cans of Creamy Tomato Soup? Or are you supposed to

Pat Lewis Platt
  • 1 Comment
Mom's Tomato Soup Meatballs
Recipe question for: Mom's Tomato Soup Meatballs

1 Comment

Erin A. November 26, 2019
Hi there! We usually buy two (1-quart) packages of Pacific Organic creamy tomato soup (the kind that comes in a big box instead of a can) and use 1/2 cup for the meatballs themselves, 1 1/2 quarts for the sauce, and anything leftover for a cup of regular tomato soup with a grilled cheese on the side. I hope that helps answer your question!
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