Green peppercorns vs. black peppercorns: when would you use one kind and not the other? Any rules of thumb? Thank you! ;o)



PepperBruce October 30, 2012
I would guess that the single most common use for green peppercorns is to make the traditional sauce for "Steak Au Poivre" (Pepper Steak). For this type of sauce the briny flavor of pickled green peppercorns would not be ideal. If I am going to rehydrate green peppercorns I would be using them righ away so it would not be nece4ssary to use preservatives like salt or vinegar.

The key question for me would be whether to use air-dried peppercorns or the much more expensive freeze-dried variety. Freeze-dried has the best flavor and when rehydrated looks and tastes like a fresh green peppercorn. Green peppercorn sauce uses the green peppercorns whole so I would lean towards freeze dried for flavoe and appearance.

We sell both air-dried and freeze-dried peppercorns at We also have some excellent recipes that call for green peppercorns. Take a look.
AntoniaJames April 4, 2011
Thanks, everyone, this is all very helpful! ;o)
pauljoseph March 28, 2011
All about pepper

Green peppercorns in brine is an easy preparation for any home cook. Re-hydrated dried green peppercorns in a brine made by dissolving 4/10 of an ounce salt by weight, or approximately two heaping teaspoons table salt per cup of hot water or other warm liquid.
Some times vinegar and turmeric are also added to make pickled green peppercorns in brine. Add a little less than one teaspoon turmeric along with the salt and 1/4 cup vinegar or a 1/2 cup lemon juice.
Use them to flavor sauces, soups, cheeses, pates and peppercorn steak.
boulangere March 28, 2011
Green peppercorns have a "bright" taste to me. I like them quite a bit with fish. I also make a blend to use in a grinder at home that contains black, green, white, pink (I know, not a true pepper), and some coriander seed.
beyondcelery March 28, 2011
Well, green peppercorns are milder than black. Besides just doing it by taste, I can tell you that one of the best combinations of flavors I've had is soft goat cheese covered in a ground green peppercorn crust, served on toast with poached eggs, grilled asparagus, and a white fish (specifically, catfish).
prettyPeas March 28, 2011
Even though green peppercorns are the same fruit as black peppercorns that haven't gone throught the drying process I find that they don't have much in common flavorwise--the peppery flavor isn't very prominent in the green peppercorns, which are mostly desired for their green, vegetal taste.
If you're lucky enough to find fresh green peppercorns they have a unique flavor and are great in a Thai curry.
Brined green peppercorns can be good in a sauce to top steak, as can dried green peppercorns, though I find that most dried green peppercorns don't retain much of the interesting "green" flavor and just taste like very weak pepper to me.
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