Has anyone used Starbucks VIA (instant coffee) for baking?

I don't have any espresso powder on hand for a brownie recipe. Would this work as a substitute?

  • Posted by: EmilyC
  • March 30, 2011


EmilyC April 1, 2011
Thanks for your responses! I used the French Roast in place of espresso powder in brownies and it worked great! One package of VIA measures out to approximately 1 teaspoon. (And if anyone is looking for a great brownie recipe, these from King Arthur Flour are killer: http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/fudge-brownies-recipe)
Ophelia March 31, 2011
I've used in in a chocolate cake when I had a free sample floating around the kitchen and it works great substituted 1:1 for espresso powder, in place of folgers coffee crystals (which I use sometimes) Via imparts a more intense coffee flavour.
CookOnTheFly March 31, 2011
I use it as a pinch in brownies if I am out of espresso powder. I just grind it up a bit in a mortar and then add it to the dry ingredients - and use the same amount as espresso powder.
Delishhh March 30, 2011
I have, it is just like instant coffee, so if your recipe calls for coffee it is perfect. I use it all the time when i make Swedish Chocolate balls - http://delishhh.com/2010/04/14/swedish-chocolate-balls-%e2%80%9cchokladbollar%e2%80%9d/
boulangere March 30, 2011
I have a feeling that it's close in texture to Medaglia d'Oro, which I use all the time in baking and custards. Dissolve it in whatever your liquid is, and you should have a wonderful cake!
Abijosiah March 30, 2011
It wont dissolve like freeze dried coffee as it is micrground but it should just add to the texture of the cake i haven't dried it personally but in cake mix it should be fine
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