Got cooking and home questions? We're on-call.

Hi community,

As you may have read (we wrote about it here:, the Food52 office has closed for the time being due to COVID-19, and our team has switched to remote work.

Maybe you're navigating a similar shift yourself? That's why, until at least the end of the month, our staffers are going to be on-call on the Hotline every day—so we can be there for you, and we can all be there for each other.

Check in with whatever questions or concerns you're working through right now. (Like, what do I do with this broccoli that's about to go bad? How do I make the most of my pantry stock? How do I sanitize different surfaces? Any tips to keep stress at bay?)

Hope you're holding up wherever you are.

The Editors

  • Posted by: Food52
  • March 17, 2020


Jenhill November 19, 2020
I’ve been shopping on your website for an hour. I had 15+ things in my cart$$$. Now, my cart is empty!!!! You need to fix your website. You should NOT have deleted my items and I was in the process of adding more. All gone within the hour of me shopping. I will no longer be shopping with your website. Bad company. Also, you should NOT have items listed that are DOUBLE the price elsewhere. Shame on you for being greedy!!
HalfPint March 17, 2020
I making a stir fry recipe that calls for Kecap Manis. I only have dark soy sauce. Is that an ok substitute?
Nancy March 17, 2020
I have two recipes for substitutes.
First is 13 tbsp Maggi seasoning + 3 tbsp molasses (makes 1c).
Second is 3/4c soy/tamari sauce, 1/3c brown sugar, 3 tbsp molasses, small clove garlic crushed, 1 point whole star anise or 1/8 tsp ground. Mix and heat through. Let cool. If you used whole spice, remove before using sauce (makes about 1 1/2 cup).
Nancy March 17, 2020
Or if the soy sauce is all you have.
Brinda A. March 17, 2020
Hi HalfPint! Hope you're doing well and hanging in there. These products are quite similar to one another in that they're both thick, sweetened soy sauces, but originate from different places and are sweetened with slightly different things—black soy sauce is a Chinese product (sweetened with molasses), and kecap manis, Indonesian (sweetened with palm sugar). They should be texturally quite consistent, and interchangeable from that POV. Black soy sauce does tend to be a hair saltier, though, so I'd just adjust the seasoning for the rest of the dish. Hope this helps!
HalfPint March 17, 2020
Thank you, Nancy & Brinda :)
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