A question about a recipe: Winter Spring Summer Fall Chicken Mousse

I have a question about step 2 on the recipe "Winter Spring Summer Fall Chicken Mousse" from boulangere. It says:

"Add the chicken livers and cook until just until they are still a bit rosy on the inside, about 5 minutes. Add Grand Marnier and set aflame to burn off the alcohol quickly so that the chicken livers do not overcook. Remove pan from heat when flame subsides, and allow mixture to cool to room temperature."

Just how pink should they be? And do they cook further while cooling? Or should I get them out of the pan right away?

sarah k.


boulangere April 2, 2011
You're in luck - Grand Marnier keeps exceptionally well!
sarah K. April 2, 2011
I so wish I'd thought of asking before I went to the store this afternoon. I could do that right now! I guess it'll have to wait till next week. Sigh.
boulangere April 2, 2011
Forgot to add the link: http://www.food52.com/recipes/10720_twice_brled_crme_brle
boulangere April 2, 2011
Congratulations! Your dinner sounds beautiful.

As for the rest of the bottle, try this; it'll use up a bit of it:
sarah K. April 2, 2011
Of course I forgot to add the salt and pepper before turning it into the ramekins, but I have fixed that. It's really lovely. I plan to serve it tonight with baguette toasts, cornichons, quince paste, and a chicken Caesar salad.

Now, for some ideas to use the rest of that giant bottle of Grand Marnier!
boulangere April 2, 2011
You're doing great!
sarah K. April 2, 2011
Phew. No blood. I obviously have so much experience with livers. Thanks for the help!
Greenstuff April 2, 2011
Sara k., some of them being gray and some rosy sounds perfect. You just don't want them bloody.
sarah K. April 2, 2011
Also, I can't make the photos load. Prolly my stupid computer, but they just don't come up.
sarah K. April 2, 2011
So far, the smell makes me want to cry. I think, of all the herbs, I'm in love with thyme the most. I followed every step closely, but the livers are cooled off now, and still pink in the middle, compared to the outside. I sliced each one to compare, and some are definitely more on the grey side of pink, but some are rosy. Is that OK?
boulangere April 2, 2011
No, you're in no danger. But if you look through Amanda and Merrill's photos of their preparation, they spread the mixture out onto a sheet pan and cooled it in the fridge. It doesn't need to be cold when you add the cream, just not hot. I hope you like it!
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